Marching with Marshall

Marching with Marshall
Sam Houston National Forest Ranger Station

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The March: Day 1 and 2

Marchers and Interested parties,

The first day started late, but the Marchers were in good form, as we hit the trail with our Scouts and others. Breakfast was MRE's and Jerry had the forethought to teach the youths how to use their stoves in a box. MRE's have changed much since I had the pleasure of supping on them. Candies, scones, and cookies made me feel like I was in gourmet company, all I needed was tea; no tea, but coco, fruit punch, and a strawberry dairy shake hit the spot nicely, as the boys took the time to enjoy the military ambrosia set before them.

Captain Jack took the lead, and agreed to stay there at my request, as he had the knowledge, experience and satellite location finder in hand. The pace was brisk, and I felt the year move backwards, giving the commands, "jog it up", and "move up the column". The humor of the comments wore thin as we made good time through the woods. The trail wore thin, as we took a different trail, and found ourselves on a power line or pipe line easement, allowing us to take a break and adjust our packs. As we neared a dirt road, we saw three different trailer homes out in the middle of nowhere. We were having trouble with the sat. device, and jack took it upon himself to ask directions. I thought I heard banjos as jack came back with the news that there were only two kids, under the age of nine, and the adult would not come to the door to speak with Jack. An immediate decision was made to walk the dirt road to another dirt road, and gain insight from the sat. device where we were.

From there we found our bearings, and headed out on a known road, making good time, and feeling better about our location, as we headed away from the trailer homes and the banjos music playing in our heads. Jerry made sure we had a couple of breaks before the ten mile mark, and they were a welcome relief to see familiar faces. Feet were starting to hurt, and water resupply was a needed commodity as we took the breaks.

Walking staffs were good tools, as we used them to ward off burrs, "got you" veins, and probe for snakes. The Captain, told the troops about the need for leaving the spiders alone, and why they should not go under cut or blown down trees, sitting on their base end; we either went over or around, but as the miles wore on the end of the column began to go under them, being too tired and less careful about falling trees.

The trail was easy, as we were on dirt and black top roads for much of the time, giving the younger Marchers more issues with their feet. The complaints were few, but the look on their faces showed a small amount of suffering, which was telling to an old hand like me. Some marchers had school back packs, and the pressure on their shoulders were becoming an issue. I took one of the packs for a youngster for a few miles, and let him have it back later, but he was in pain. New boots, all pretty and clean, become a nuisance to some; they looked good, but caused more issues as the day wore on.

We made our first camp at Big Woods Hunter Camp, ready for chow and a break. I had not smelled this bad in a long time, and the first item of business was to clean my pits, and other sweaty areas. Once that was done, I was ready to enjoy the evening meal. Tents were put up, feet were cared for, and water was ingested. We had already lost one Marcher to feet and back issues, and others were questioning whether they wanted to continue tomorrow's March. Two Marchers, Scouts, were headed home the next day, and the third Marcher with the pain issues would go home at the end of the second day.

Jerry set up Taj Mah Hooch, and I had a better night's sleep in his large tent on a heavy duty cot. The morning came, with a call of nature, and many answered it with a shovel and baby wipes, parading towards the woods which surrounded us. Poison Ivy was a close neighbor in the woods, but no one came down with it in an uncomfortable area. My wife Peggy and son, Patrick returned form their hotel room, tired but refreshed. Alan and Kevin made breakfast, which hit the spot with eggs, potatoes, and tortillas. My sister, Cathey came with her young family, and the two girls decided to make the second day March, after Jerry orientated them to Camelbacs and MRE's. Coach Lionberger, made it back with his wife Stacey, and about 80 pounds of ice, which was much appreciated by all.

We hit the road on the second day with Cathey taking pictures, and less time on the dirt roads, which meant less fatigue in the feet department. Ryan LeNorman, had joined us the night before, and took all of his pack on the trek with him. The rest of us, except for Jack, had shed the packs, and were just using the Camelbacs for a carry all. I took my 782 gear- Jerry informed me in Army Language, it was called LBG( load bearing gear), I informed him in Marine lingo it is called "Deuce gear"- and was able to put in all my emergency gear, knife and pistol on my belt or in my military fanny pack.

It was a good thing, as we ran into a staggering feral hog, weaving on and off the road. Captain Jack, bide us stay put and went out to scare the hog off. I do not think the hog was in a good state of mind, I have seen the same effects on humans who have had too much to drink. I reached around and found a comfortable grip on my "decision maker", ready to help Jack, should the hog charged him in his rabid state. Jack's magic worked, and the hog staggered off in another direction to scare some other hiker out for a jont.

The trail was easy going, and the breaks were well established by Jerry and Jack, as we made good time that day. I again took a young man's pack, but felt an old feeling of fatigue hit me, a few miles before the end of the trail. I am not sure how far we traveled that day, but hearing we had reached our destination with about 19 miles under my belt, I was ready to take a good long break.

We were trucked the rest of the way to Huntsville State Park, and were met by the nicest people from Walker County Sheriff's Department, who took our aliments and applied cream, band aids, and tape to our March veterans. They also feed us, and then held a prayer service, handled by Kent Lucas, which was moving and well received by all hands.

I washed my clothes while I showered, and hung them out to dry. Ryan, heard my issues of sluggishness and handed me some electrolyte pills they give football players. It was just the ticket, as the next day I was in good form, ready to go again. Some of the Marchers headed to the lake in the park to swim and rinse off. They came back refreshed and comfortable, except for the feet issues. A nice young lady from MD Anderson came out an interviewed many of the Marchers in the park. It was a pretty evening, except for the serenading of the frogs out on the lake. The noise rose and fell within each minute, and kept some of us from sleeping, along with the lack of air from the wooded canopy surrounding us.

Ryan left us that night only to return the next morning with new supplies, and a knee the size of a large cantaloupe. He never complained about the March, but his knee kept him form joining us on Day 3 and 4. It was a good thing though, as he knew the area, and when we were a bit disorientated, he knew where to find us. The sight of his pick up truck was a welcome one on those last two days.

Addison's good friends made it out on this day, Thomas Rapper, and Justin Schindler , having been at camp in Arkansas the past week. It was good to see some of my old football players, they are fine young men, with good hearts; true friends to Addison. They had been told by me, that there was a possibilty of fishing on this trip, but most of our strength was spent on hiking, not the enjoyments of nature. The fishermen soon left their poles in the truck to enjoy the hike.

Anti- Monkey Butt Powder, and Boudreaux's Butt Paste were two good items to have, as we made a run to Wal-Mart to gain these needed supplies. These items became community property at each rest stop to apply liberally to areas under stress. The hand off was made between Marchers, and the recieptent soon made a retreat to a secluded area to make his withdrawal and application of these magic potions. Maybe they can sponsor us the next time we go, Marching with Marshall.

Coming up: Day 3 and 4.

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